Immigration to Canada

Immigration to Canada
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Canada is welcoming over 1.3 million new immigrants from 2022 to 2024! There are many ways to immigrate to Canada and secure Canadian permanent residence, but the Savoji Team is here to help you keep things simple.

When navigating the path toward Immigration to Canada, your unique circumstances and ties to the country play a significant role. With Canada extending its arms to welcome a record number of immigrants, now is an opportune time to embark on your journey to settle here.


Why does Canada need immigrants?

It’s essential to understand that there isn’t a single, straightforward path to immigrate to Canada. While some immigration programs might appear more accessible, the process as a whole is quite detailed and involves several steps.

While making the move to Canada requires a significant financial and emotional commitment, the end result is highly rewarding. Canada consistently ranks among the top countries for quality of life and has a warm and welcoming approach to newcomers.


In 2023, here are four of the most popular ways for people from other countries to make Canada their new home:

1. Express Entry

Express Entry is Canada’s fastest immigration program, allowing skilled workers to obtain permanent residency in as little as six months. It is also the most popular immigration program, with Canada planning to invite half a million new arrivals through Express Entry by 2025.

There are three Express Entry programs: Federal Skilled Worker (FSW), Canadian Experience Class (CEC), and Federal Skilled Trades (FST). To be eligible for Express Entry, you must meet the minimum requirements for one of these programs.

Once you have created an Express Entry profile, you will be ranked in the pool based on your Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) score. The CRS system assesses candidates based on their age, education, work experience, language skills, and ties to Canada.

The highest-scoring candidates in the Express Entry pool are invited to apply for permanent residency. Even if your CRS score is not high enough to receive an invitation, you may still be eligible for Express Entry if you are nominated by a province or territory or if you receive an invitation through a special program.

The cost of immigrating to Canada through Express Entry is typically around $2,300 CAD for a single applicant and $4,500 CAD for a couple. This does not include the money you need to live on when you first arrive in Canada, which varies depending on how many people are in your family

To increase your chances of success with Express Entry, make sure your profile is complete and accurate, highlight your skills and experience that are relevant to the Canadian labor market, get your language skills tested and certified, and consider taking a Canadian education program or getting a job offer from a Canadian employer. You can also apply for provincial or territorial nominee programs that align with your skills and experience.


2. Provincial Nominee Programs (PNP)

By 2025, Canada plans to welcome 117,500 new immigrants through Provincial Nominee Programs (PNPs).

Each of Canada’s ten provinces and three territories offers its own unique PNPs, with different eligibility criteria. Many PNPs require applicants to have a connection to the province, but there are also programs that invite overseas candidates based on their ability to meet the province’s labor market needs.

The application processing time for each PNP varies. After receiving a nomination, PNP candidates must apply to the federal government for Canadian permanent residency. The processing time for the permanent residency application will depend on whether the PNP operates using the Express Entry system.

The cost of immigrating to Canada through a PNP is generally the same as Express Entry, with some additional fees depending on the province. Some provinces do not charge a fee to process PNP applications, while others, such as Ontario, can charge up to $1,500 CAD.


3. Business immigration program

If you have experience running or owning a business, you may be able to immigrate to Canada through a business immigration program.

The Canadian government offers several programs for entrepreneurs and business owners who want to immigrate to Canada. There are also Provincial Nominee Programs (PNPs) that offer business immigration programs specific to each province.

Here is a summary of the key business immigration programs available in Canada:

  • Start-Up Visa Program: This program is for entrepreneurs who have a start-up business that is innovative and has the potential to create jobs in Canada. Applicants must have the support of a designated venture capital fund, angel investor group, or business incubator.
  • Self-Employed Persons Program: This program is for individuals who have experience in self-employment and who intend to continue being self-employed in Canada. Applicants must have the skills and experience to be successful in their chosen field, and they must meet certain financial requirements.
  • Investor Visa Program: This program is for individuals who have a significant net worth and who are willing to invest in a Canadian business. Applicants must invest at least $1 million CAD in a qualified investment vehicle.
  • Provincial Nominee Programs (PNPs): Many PNPs offer business immigration programs that are tailored to the specific needs of the province. For example, some PNPs have programs for entrepreneurs who are willing to start a business in a rural or remote area.

To immigrate to Canada through a business immigration program, you will typically need to invest a significant amount of money in your business. The amount required will vary depending on the program you are interested in. Some PNPs have regional entrepreneur programs that require a lower investment for candidates who want to start or run a business in a less populated area.

Read more: Work in Specific Provinces

4. Family sponsorship in Canada

Canada’s family sponsorship program is a popular immigration pathway for permanent residents and citizens to bring their loved ones to live in Canada. It is a rewarding experience for both the sponsor and the sponsored family member, as it allows them to reunite and build a life together in a country that offers many opportunities.

Who is eligible for family sponsorship?

To be eligible for family sponsorship, you must have a qualifying family member who is a permanent resident or citizen of Canada. Qualifying family members include:


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How much does it cost to sponsor a family member?

The cost of sponsoring a family member varies depending on the number of family members being sponsored and whether the sponsor resides in or intends to reside in Quebec. However, the average cost is around $1,135 CAD.


How long does it take to process a sponsorship application?

The processing time for a sponsorship application varies depending on the type of sponsorship and the country of origin of the sponsored family member. However, the average processing time is around 12 months.


How much money do you need to immigrate to Canada?

The cost of immigrating to Canada is a common concern for many people who are considering moving to the country. The total cost will vary depending on the immigration program you apply to, your personal circumstances, and the additional costs associated with immigration.


Immigration program fees

The fees associated with different immigration programs vary. For example, the Express Entry application fee is currently $850 CAD for a single applicant and $1,365 CAD for a couple. Provincial Nominee Programs (PNPs) also have their own application fees, which can range from a few hundred dollars to over $1,000 CAD.


Settlement funds

Most immigration programs require you to show proof that you have enough money to support yourself and your family for the first six months after you arrive in Canada. This amount is known as the minimum required settlement funds. The minimum required settlement funds vary depending on the size of your family. For example, a single person needs to show $13,757 CAD in settlement funds, while a family of four needs to show $25,564 CAD.


Other costs

In addition to the minimum required settlement funds, there are a number of other costs that you will need to factor in when budgeting for your immigration to Canada. These costs may include:

  • Medical exams (approximately $300 CAD per person)
  • Police checks (approximately $100 CAD per person)
  • Travel costs (prices vary depending on your departure country and destination)
  • Temporary housing costs (prices vary depending on the city or town you are moving to)


What are the requirements to immigrate to Canada?

To move to Canada, you must meet certain criteria, which vary depending on the immigration program you apply for. However, there are some general requirements that everyone must meet, such as being over 18, having enough money to support yourself and your family, and passing a medical exam. You may also need to meet additional requirements, such as having a job offer from a Canadian employer or speaking English or French at a certain level.

Once you have determined which immigration program is right for you, you will need to gather the required documents. This may include things like your passport, birth certificate, transcripts, and work experience letters. You can find more information about the required documents on the website.

The immigration process can be complex, so it is important to start early and to be prepared to provide all of the required documentation. You may also want to consider working with an immigration consultant to help you with the process.


What is the fastest way to immigrate to Canada?

The fastest way to immigrate to Canada is through the Express Entry program. Express Entry is a points-based system that assesses your skills, experience, education, and language ability. If you meet the minimum requirements, you can create a profile in the Express Entry pool and wait to be invited to apply for permanent residence.

Most Express Entry applications are processed in six months or less. However, the processing time can vary depending on a number of factors, such as the complexity of your application and the number of applications the government is processing.


Do I need a job offer to immigrate to Canada?

You do not need a job offer to immigrate to Canada, but it can be helpful. There are a number of immigration programs that do not require a job offer, such as the Express Entry program and the Provincial Nominee Programs (PNPs). However, having a job offer can give you an advantage in the immigration process. For example, it can help you to get a higher score on the Express Entry points system and it can also make it easier for you to get a provincial nomination.

If you are planning to immigrate to Canada without a job offer, it is important to have a plan for how you will support yourself and your family when you arrive. You should also have a good understanding of the Canadian job market and the skills and experience that are in demand.


what is a Canadian permanent resident?

A Canadian permanent resident is a person who has been granted the right to live and work in Canada indefinitely but is not a Canadian citizen. Permanent residents have many of the same rights and benefits as Canadian citizens, with the exception of voting and holding certain government positions.

To become a Canadian permanent resident, you must apply for and be approved for one of the many immigration programs that the Canadian government offers. Once you are approved, you will receive a permanent resident card, which gives you the right to live and work in Canada indefinitely.

Permanent residents of Canada enjoy a number of benefits, including:

  • The right to live and work in Canada indefinitely
  • The right to study in Canada at the same cost as Canadian citizens
  • The right to access healthcare and other government services
  • The right to sponsor family members to immigrate to Canada
  • The right to apply for Canadian citizenship after meeting certain requirements

Permanent residents of Canada also have some responsibilities, such as paying taxes and obeying Canadian law.


What is a Canadian citizen?

A Canadian citizen is a person who has been granted the right to live and work in Canada permanently, and to enjoy all of the rights and benefits of Canadian citizenship. This includes the right to vote in elections, to hold public office, to access healthcare and education, and to travel on a Canadian passport.

To become a Canadian citizen, a person must meet certain requirements, including:

  • Being at least 18 years old
  • Having lived in Canada permanently for at least three years in the past four years
  • Passing a citizenship test
  • Meeting the language requirements (English or French)
  • Intending to live in Canada permanently

Once a person has met all of the requirements, they can apply for Canadian citizenship. The application process can take several months, but once approved, the person will become a Canadian citizen and will be issued a Canadian citizenship certificate.

Canadian citizenship is a valuable status that gives people a number of rights and benefits. It is also a symbol of belonging to the Canadian community and a commitment to upholding Canadian values.


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Can I work anywhere in Canada?

Yes, you can work anywhere in Canada if you have Canadian permanent resident status. This means that you have the right to live and work in Canada indefinitely. However, if you do not have Canadian permanent resident status, you will need a work permit to work in Canada.

Work permits are issued by the Canadian government and allow foreign nationals to work in Canada for a specific period of time. There are a number of different types of work permits available, depending on your circumstances.


What is the maximum age for Canadian immigration?

There is no maximum age for Canadian immigration. However, some immigration programs may have age requirements. For example, the Express Entry program has a points system that gives points for age, but candidates over the age of 44 do not receive any points for age.

Even if you are over the age of 44, you may still be eligible for Express Entry if you have a high score in other areas, such as education, language skills, and work experience. You may also be eligible for other immigration programs, such as the Provincial Nominee Programs (PNPs) or the Business Immigration programs.


Can I bring my family to Canada?

Yes, you can bring your family to Canada if you are a Canadian permanent resident or citizen. There are a number of different ways to sponsor your family members to immigrate to Canada, depending on your relationship with them.

The most common way to sponsor family members is through the Family Class Sponsorship program. This program allows you to sponsor your spouse or common-law partner, dependent children, parents, and grandparents.