Sponsor Your Spouse to Canada

Sponsor Your Spouse to Canada
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Eligible individuals, including citizens, permanent residents, and work permit holders in Canada, can Sponsor Your Spouse, children, parents, partners, and grandparents to live with them in Canada, promoting family reunification.

What is the Sponsor Your Spouse program in Canada?

Spouse sponsorship in Canada is a process that allows Canadian citizens and permanent residents to sponsor their spouses or common-law partners to live in Canada. The goal of spouse sponsorship is to help families reunite and live together in Canada.

Different types of spouse sponsorship visas

  • Outland sponsorship: This sponsorship type caters to spouses or common-law partners residing outside Canada who wish to join their sponsors under the Sponsor Your Spouse program. The sponsor must apply for Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) and provide supporting documentation, such as proof of marriage or common-law relationship and proof of financial support. Once the application is approved, the spouse or common-law partner can apply for a temporary resident visa to come to Canada. Once they are in Canada, they can apply for permanent residency.
  • Inland sponsorship: This type of sponsorship is for spouses or common-law partners who are already living in Canada. The sponsor must submit an application to IRCC and provide supporting documentation. If the application is approved, the spouse or common-law partner can apply for permanent residency.


Eligibility requirements for spouse sponsorship in Canada

To sponsor your spouse, conjugal partner, or common-law partner to live in Canada, you must be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident who is at least 18 years old and lives in Canada (or plans to return to Canada once your spouse or partner becomes a permanent resident). You must also be able and willing to financially support your spouse or partner for three years.

How to prove your relationship with your spouse?

To prove your relationship with your spouse for Canada spouse sponsorship, you will need to provide documentation that shows that you are in a genuine and committed relationship. This documentation can include:
  • Marriage certificate
  • Proof of common-law relationship (such as joint bank accounts, lease agreements, or utility bills)
  • Photos of the two of you together
  • Letters and cards from friends and family members attesting to the relationship
  • Travel documents showing that you have traveled together
  • Evidence of financial support for each other (such as joint tax returns or bank statements)

You may also be asked to provide a statutory declaration of relationship, which is a sworn statement from both you and your spouse about the nature of your relationship.

It is important to note that there is no single list of documents that you must provide to prove your relationship. IRCC will consider all of the evidence that you submit and make a decision based on the specific facts of your case

How to navigate the Sponsor Your Spouse process in Canada?

To Start on the sponsor your spouse journey in Canada, you must first determine which type of sponsorship visa, outland or inland, suits your eligibility. Once you’ve identified the appropriate visa category, you can initiate the application process.

To apply for outland sponsorship, you must submit an application to Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) and provide supporting documentation, such as proof of marriage or common-law relationship and proof of financial support. Once the application is approved, the spouse or common-law partner can apply for a temporary resident visa to come to Canada. Once they are in Canada, they can apply for permanent residency.

To apply for inland sponsorship, you must submit an application to IRCC and provide supporting documentation. If the application is approved, the spouse or common-law partner can apply for permanent residency.

How long does it take to complete the Sponsor Your Spouse process in Canada?

Sponsoring a spouse or partner to Canada takes about 12 months. It usually doesn’t go much faster, and it can take longer if your case is complicated or the visa office needs more proof of your relationship.

To get your spouse’s sponsorship application processed quickly, make sure it’s done right the first time. Savoji’s lawyers and legal professionals have helped thousands of people with their spousal sponsorship applications. Take their free online assessment to find out how Savoji can help you bring your loved ones to Canada.

Spouse Sponsorship Fees in Canada

Government processing fees for sponsoring your spouse, conjugal partner, or common-law partner to Canada are as follows:

Fee type Cost
Sponsorship fee $75
Principal applicant processing fee $490
Right of permanent residence fee $515
Biometrics $85
Total (no dependent children, non-Quebec sponsor) $1,165
Additional fee per dependent child $150
Additional fee for Quebec sponsors $310

Common mistakes to avoid when sponsoring your spouse to Canada

Incomplete or inaccurate application forms

Make sure to carefully read all of the instructions and complete the application forms accurately and in full. Any errors or omissions could delay the processing of your application or even lead to its refusal.

Missing documentation

Be sure to include all of the required supporting documentation with your application. This documentation may include proof of your marriage or common-law relationship, proof of your financial support, and police certificates from both you and your spouse.

Not meeting the eligibility requirements

It is crucial to verify that you and your spouse fulfill all eligibility criteria for Sponsor Your Spouse. If you have any doubts about your eligibility, it is advisable to seek guidance from an immigration lawyer or consultant.

Failing to disclose all relevant information

It is important to be honest and upfront in your application. Do not try to hide any information, even if it is negative. If you are caught falsifying information, your application could be refused and you could be banned from entering Canada for several years.

Not communicating with Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC)

If IRCC has any questions about your application, they will contact you. Make sure to respond to all of their requests promptly and completely. If you do not communicate with IRCC, they may delay the processing of your application or even refuse it.